What I've Read Recently // #4

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hello friends! Today I am going to be talking about the books that I have read "recently". I haven't done one of these since like September, so like... oops? If you happen to be curious about what I've been reading in the last like 6 months, then read on!



1. The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman

2 & 3. Well Met by Jen DeLuca

Easily made my top 3 favorite books.

4. Magical Places by Nikki Van De Car


5. Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco

6. Alex, Approximately by Jenn Bennett

7. In Real Life by Jessica Love


8. Warrior of the Wild by Tricia Levenseller

9. The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai

10. The Burnout Generation by Anne Helen Petersen


11. The Christmas Pact by Vi Keeland and Penelope Ward

12. Enslaved by Ducks by Bob Tarte


This year I have decided to try to tackle that PopSugar 2020 Reading Challenge and I pretty much have managed to pick out a book for every prompt and so far this year, I have been pretty good at sticking to the TBR, or at least, to the prompts if I change it up. Besides the mangas, I have only physically read one of the following books.

I feel like I have just been in the mother of all reading slumps for the LONGEST time and the things currently going on in the world are definitely not helping things, but I guess sometimes it really do be like that.


13. Red Sister by Mark Lawrence

So, I really enjoyed this book while I was listening to it, but I feel like I should not have listened to it because I don't think that I retained enough information about this to just be comfortable continuing with the series yet. I suppose it might all come back to me if I was immersed back into the world, but listening to fantasy books like this, for the first time, via audiobook, is probably not a thing I will do again.

14. The A.I. Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole

This was a super quick, fun romance. I enjoyed listening to this audiobook so much. I barely remember what happened in it except I have no idea how no one figured out the AI guy was anything but human the first time he opened his mouth. But I gotta say, I would probably listen to this again if I was in a bind and needed something to listen to.

15. Pont Neuf by Max Byrd

I know that this was a story about a WWII photographer/columnist and it was interesting to listen to, but this one was not memorable and I think the ending confused me.


16. Tweet Cute by Emma Lord

I absolutely LOVED Tweet Cute so much. I loved Pepper and Jack and their mostly fake Twitter feud. I loved seeing them go from not particularly caring for each other's company to good friends/being in love. I don't think I've ever retained an audiobook as well as I retained this one. It was such an easy listen, even while working on other things that require a little bit of attention. The only thing that I didn't love about this was Pepper's mom. I didn't like how she made her busy daughter do her social media manager's job 90% of the time even though Pepper was trying to keep her grades up and get into a good college. Like, by the end of the story, I understood why the stupid twitter feud was so important to her mom, but I still didn't agree with her tactics. Overall, I want to read this book again after writing this little paragraph.

17. Hungry Hearts edited by Caroline Tung Richmond and Elsie Chapman

I think I need to accept the fact that I just don't really like anthologies. I was excited to get this one because one of my favorite author's had a story in it, but quite honestly, I think hers might have been my least favorite story in the book. There were some that I really liked (Rebecca Roanhorse's story was one of my favorites!), but for the most part, I felt really meh about this book.

18. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides

I think that so far, this is my favorite book of 2020. I wasn't sure what I was going to read for a medical thriller until I saw this one listed in the Goodreads list for suggestions. I was absolutely THRILLED by this book. I want to buy this so I can read it again in a physical format. I am still completely shocked by the ending because I didn't see it coming at all.


19. Magi vol 4 by Shinobu Ohtaka

I don't have too much to say about this one. I liked the refresher from when I watched the show however long ago, but I haven't gotten far enough into the manga series to get to anything new or exceptionally exciting yet. But my favorite character from the show finally made an appearance in this one!

20. The Legend of Zelda: Legendary Edition, vol 5: Four Swords by Akira Himekawa

This manga was so cute. I love this manga series because it gives Link a personality, but I love that each of the four Links is so very distinctly one part of Link's personality. I need to start buying this Twilight Princess manga series now and I am crossing my fingers so hard for a Breath of the Wild series because that's easily my favorite game in the franchise!

So, those are the 20 books I have read "recently". I am hoping that I will find myself being motivated enough to start writing actual reviews again, but I want to change my review style to be more short, sweet, and to the point. So we shall see how that goes.

What have you been reading recently?

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