Top Ten Tuesday (#53)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week's topic is Top Ten Books I'd Buy RIGHT NOW If Someone Handed Me A Fully Loaded Gift Card!!

1. There are SO many books that I would want to buy if I had a fully loaded gift card full of someone else's money! First and foremost, I would go out and buy audiobooks of all of Alexandra Bracken's books. I'm so obsessed with her work, I need to have all the editions/versions of her books. I would never listen to the radio again if I had these.

Just so that not all ten of these consist of different editions of Alex's books, I'm going to include FOREIGN EDITIONS here! Especially the Australian ones! Those have such neat covers! I need them so badly!

2. The next thing I'd go out and buy would be the editions of the Harry Potter series that look like this:

I think this cover is SO cool! I want the box set of these covers so bad. I can't even get over how much I love them.

3. I want to buy the Game of Thrones series in hardcover! I just recently watched the show up to season 5. I finished it while season 6 was on so I haven't gotten to watch it yet, but oh my! I love the show so much so now I obviously have to read the books!

4. I want to buy The Raven Boys in hardcover and also all the rest of Maggie's books! I just read the whole Raven Cycle series and I loved it so much! I want to binge the rest of her books! I can check out the Shiver books from the library here, but if someone handed me a fully loaded gift card, I could just buy them on someone else's dime! I really want to get my hands on The Scorpio Races ASAP!

(LoL, I had this book before, but I traded it for another book I thought would be hard to find in a decent shaped hardcover. Why Cyra?)



There are so many books out there that I want to buy! If I had a gift card, these are just a few of the other books out there that I would LOVE to buy!

5. The May Queen Murders by Sarah Jude

6. Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

7. A Study in Charlotte by Brittany Cavallaro

8. Rebel of the Sands by Alwyn Hamilton

9. After the Woods by Kim Savage

10. Everland by Wendy Spinale

What are some books that you'd buy if you had a fully loaded gift card?!


  1. OMG I feel your want of HP books with different covers from the originals. I've actually never seen the covers you showed, which are so cool! I love the sort of minimalist look to them. Not to busy.

    Liselle @ Lunch-Time Librarian

    1. I've only seen those covers a couple times, but goodness I love them! I love the simplicity and the fun colors! :')

  2. I love those editions of Harry Potter too! I really want to ask for them for Christmas. They're very simple yet bright which is my favorite kind of cover.
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

    1. I should ask for them for Christmas too, but no one buys me books. :( Fun haters!

  3. You know, I've read a few of these posts already but I totally agree with you on the Harry Potter editions. I'd buy just about every edition there is and I'd get an edition or two of The Lord of the Rings trilogy.

    1. Wouldn't it be amazing to have all the editions of Harry Potter? ESPECIALLY on someone else's dime! If only!


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