The Raven Cycle #3
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Publication Date: October 21st, 2014
Rating: 5 Stars
Source: Purchase
Pages: 391
Summary (from Goodreads):
There is danger in dreaming. But there is even more danger in waking up.
Blue Sargent has found things. For the first time in her life, she has friends she can trust, a group to which she can belong. The Raven Boys have taken her in as one of their own. Their problems have become hers, and her problems have become theirs.
The trick with found things though, is how easily they can be lost.
Friends can betray.
Mothers can disappear.
Visions can mislead.
Certainties can unravel.
I think that writing reviews for this series gets harder and harder the deeper in I get. This book was so fantastic. Seriously, what took me so long to get into this series?!
Just like in the previous two books, this book is told in multiple points of view. You get the points of view of Blue and the Raven Boys, Blue's family, and the villain. I loved it all. While I did really enjoy getting to know Ronan more in the second book, I'm glad this one was more even again with seeing what's going on with everyone else.
So, in the last book, Maura left, only leaving behind a note saying, "Glendower is underground, so am I." Or something along those lines. So in this book, obviously everyone is worried about her and looking out for her. Also, the group gets SO much closer to finding Glendower, I bet they can almost TASTE IT! Oh, I want to know how this goes.
So, somewhere in the first book I started to really dislike Adam. I kinda hated him in The Dream Thieves. And in this book, I'm happy to say, he FINALLY grew on me. I didn't want to dislike him. I wanted to like ALL the Raven Boys. And now I finally do! I loved that he finally got mostly over his... thing... about everything anyone gives him being charity or out of pity. He seemed more accepting of letting others help him, not necessarily in ways dealing with $$. But yes. I am SO pleased that Adam evened out after the balancing thing that Persephone did with him.
Ronan... I don't know what I can say to add on to what we all got to learn about him in The Dream Thieves. I feel like you get to see a little bit more of him past his purposeful-asshole-exterior. I like getting to see deeper into Ronan just because he tries so hard to be such an ass.
Originally, when I first got into this series, one of the only things I knew about it was about Pynch. Not really anything specific, I guess, but just that they might be a thing. I have been waiting and waiting to see this come about, but I just haven't seen what I was expecting to see yet!
Like, everyone on Tumblr raved about Pynch from what I saw when I was still there. I was expecting a full on ROMANCE here, but I haven't seen that yet and I'm mildly disappointed. I love that their relationship seemed to get stronger in this book, but it's still not what I'm expecting. The closest that I felt I got to what I was expecting was when Adam mentioned something about being able to tell Ronan might have a crush on him.
I guess I have one more book to see if my expectations come about.
Now, on to my favorites, Gansey and Blue. Ahhhhh. I love them so much. I loved that in this book, you got to see a little bit moreso past Gansey's well-put-together exterior. You see a bit of doubt and fear on his part for several reasons and, I don't know. Just seeing him as not being SO perfect, made him so much more human!
With Blue, you get to see how she deals with the feelings of anger, sadness, and betrayal she has after her mom runs off. I think she seems to deal with them pretty well. Other than that, she felt to me like the same sassy, awesome, quirky girl as in the rest of the series and I LOVE her.
I love love LOVE the romance between Gansey and Blue. I love their late night phone conversations. I love their almost kisses. I love their general relationship. I love the semi-forbiddenness of their romance. I want more of this.
Noah in this book, as usual, isn't terribly present. He's in and out, but something seemed different about him in this one. His behavior was more volatile. I liked the scene with him in the counselor's office at Blue's school. I enjoyed the chaos he caused. I thought it was because the counselor was kind of crapping on Blue's dreams and he felt bad for her, but also at the same time, I'm not really sure. Hopefully in the next book, I will get my Noah fix!
Unlike the first two books, this one didn't seem to start off as slowly. More things seemed to be going on, rather than building up. The villain in this book surprised me because he was generally kind of a weenie. I thought he would be more imposing and kinda scary.
Death isn't something new to this series, but the death in this book is a lot more personal than in the previous books. It feels like the series is kind of building up the deaths to prepare you for what could be Gansey's imminent death.
Overall, the writing was on point as usual, the stakes are getting higher, the romance sweeter, and the characters more lovable. This series is so amazing and I'm going to pick up the final book just as soon as I publish this review.
Predictions for the final book:
I think that Gansey might end up dying, but if he actually does, I doubt that he will stay dead. I bet that the favor from Glendower will definitely be used to save Gansey from either dying altogether or to bring him back from the dead. If he dies, I hope it's because Blue's curse comes true. Not because I want that to happen to them, but just because I feel like that would probably be the least unpleasant way for him to go.
I hope that the people featured in the epilogue of this book get what's coming to them for doing what they did.
During the last book, something Adam said made me think that if there was only one favor from Glendower for waking him, he was going to use it for himself simply because he thought that he needed it more than anyone else would.
This book changed that thought because I think Adam realized that the person who pitied him the most was himself and he kind of got over it, but I think that he will still be the one to use the favor. Only it will be for the good of the collective group and not only his own good.
Have you read this series yet? What did you think of this installment? SO GOOD!