Top Ten Tuesday (#16)

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week's topic is Ten Bookish Things I Want To Quit (AKA ten book series I think I'm going to abandon, ten bookish habits I want to quit, ten authors I quit reading, ten types of books I'm quitting, ten tropes I want to stop reading about, ten books I marked as DNF (did not finish) recently, etc. Get as creative as you want)! I'm probably just gonna do a mixture of these because I don't think I can come up with ten of any of those.

1. I think I am going to abandon the Lunar Chronicles series.
I just can't seem to get into it. Like it's alright, but I can't connect with it at all.

2. I'm not going to read anymore books by Cassandra Clare.
I lost interest in this series after the first three books and the pushing of her new series during like all of City of Heavenly Fire annoyed the hell out of me so no more for me thank you.

3. I'm not going to read anymore books by John Green.
All of his characters feel the same to me. They all talk exactly the same.

4 & 5. I'm not going to finish the Shatter Me series.
I'm also probably not going to read anymore books by Tahereh Mafi.
I feel like I need to get some new material for questions like this, but man, Warner was not okay with me.

6. I would prefer to stop reading about love interests who are in any way abusive, harmful, controlling, etc and are made out to be love interests or important characters that are beloved by readers and not characters who are rotting in a hole.

7. I would also prefer not to read about that girl who is just so plain and boring and uninteresting. When you know that she is quite the opposite of all of those things. Why can't the girl think of herself as exciting, pretty, and interesting? SHE CAN BE ALL THAT AND MORE!

8. I'm probably not going to continue with this series.
This book was just far too long for me and the ending was so anticlimactic in my opinion that it just felt like an epic waste of my time to read this whole book. Love the cover and LOVED A Great and Terrible Beauty though!

9. I probably won't continue this series.
I guess in the end, I DID like this book, but I don't know. I feel like it just wasn't for me. I'm not dying to know what happens next or anything.

10. I probably won't read anything else by James Dashner.
I LIKED the Maze Runner, but I found it to be really predictable. I liked the first book, less so the second book, and even less so the third book, but my favorite by far was The Kill Order.

What are some bookish things that you plan to quit?


  1. The Lunar Chronicles *tear*
    When I really sit down and think about it, I don't understand why I liked Warner so much. That whole relationship was set up in a very odd manner. Is your number 6 in reference to Warner? lol

    Sarah @ The Reading Petal

    1. My number six is definitely in reference to Warner in particular, but there are other characters that could fit in that category, but yes, mainly Warner!! :)

  2. I'm with you on the Cassandra Clare and John Green, haha. I did finish, and was disappointed by, the Shatter Me series, so I'm definitely wary of anything else Tahereh Mafi writes. If she continues to romanticize abusive jerks, I'm staying far away. I 100% agree with #6 on your list. #7 is a good point as well!

    1. My MAIN problem with Shatter Me (from what I read) was the writing. I hated how weird the writing was. And I didn't like Warner and then I was reading stuff on tumblr about how Warner was the main love interest in the end and I was like okay, yeah, no. Even if I could get past the weird descriptions and the strikethroughs and all that, I would have quit just for the love interest. Why can't all the love interests in books be like Liam Stewart?! HES SO SWEET!

  3. im so sad that you're giving up on the lunar chronicles because i really love it! i cant blame you though, the books always have a slow start. i used to be obsessed by tmi but i realised it wasn't /the shit/ if you know what i mean. like tid was better. but have you seen the cover for the dar artifices? so gorgeous *grabby hands* i am so disappointed on tahereh with how she ended the trilogy. warner was abusive and manipulative and adam's character was destroyed. also juliette is super moany. im never going to read john green books either. i agree with you, the characters do all sound the same. plus i feel like they try too hard. wow so many people didnt like the diviners. its sad tho because the cover is really pretty. books with crap plots should not be allowed to have pretty covers, they're misleading lol.

    great post!

    isha @ two sisters bloggin'

    1. Part of me still wants to read Cress, but I don't know if it's worth it! Maybe if it becomes really cheap on my nook I will read it! I did see that cover for Lady Midnight and the cover buyer in me WANTS IT! But ugh, I just didn't like TMI and I was angry that she pushed TDA so hard through new characters in the end of TMI that I didn't give two craps about. I feel like if the Diviners was considerably shorter, the main character said 'posi-tute-ly' less and the battle-esque scene was better, I would have liked The Diviners! But we can't like them all!


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