Top Ten Tuesday // Childhood Favorites

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Hello and welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday post! Today's topic is to discuss childhood favorites! I thought this topic was going to be hard because the first three were the only ones I could think of off the top of my head, but I somehow managed to remember more books I liked when I was little! The struggle could have had something to do with the late hour in which I drafted most of this post, though.

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Jana from That Artsy Reader Girl. Information and prompts can be found here.

1. The House of Thirty Cats by Mary Calhoun

I read this book when I was in either 4th or 5th grade (I had the same teacher/classroom both years so I don't remember which year it was). Elementary school Cyra liked it so much that she stole the book from her classroom... and I still have it on my shelf.

2. A Hatful of Seuss: Five Favorite Dr. Seuss Stories by Dr. Seuss

I had this book when I was little and I remember loving it so much. I think my favorite was If I Ran the Zoo. I used to carry this book around at recess at school and there was a mean kid who would call me "Dr. Seuss Girl" (what a creative insult). I think this book got put in my mom's storage unit before she moved to Indiana and the contents of that unit were never seen again.

3. Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling

I have probably told this story on here before, but I remember my mom giving me the first Harry Potter book to read when I was 10. I think I read the first chapter and thought it was boring and gave it back to her. Then the first movie came out at the time of my 11th birthday and my mom wanted to take me for it. She was so excited about it so I felt like I couldn't say no. But I was on the edge of my seat for the whole movie and was singing a different tune about the story afterwards! I always thought it felt so magical that I fell in love with HP when I turned 11 because the movies always came out around the time of my birthday so it really felt like growing up with the characters.

And every year the 5th graders in my school had a bake sale and they would use the proceeds to go to the book store and every 5th grader would get to pick out a book. When my sister was in 5th grade, she picked out the second book (she has never been really into HP all that much) and my grandma made her give me the book.

4. What Was I Scared Of? by Dr. Seuss

This was always another favorite Dr. Seuss story of mine. My mom always thought this one was hilarious. I found this glow in the dark edition of the book a couple years in Minneapolis and I had to buy it. It's so fun!

5. The Complete Tales of Beatrix Potter

When I think of childhood books, this book always comes to mind because this was one that my mom used to read to my sister and I! I remember really liking Peter Rabbit.

6. Little House on the Prairie books by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I think all little kids in South Dakota grew up reading Little House on the Prairie books in school. I remember enjoying them. I've visited the homestead where her family settled near DeSmet, South Dakota. There are activities you can do there that her family would have had to do back in the day.

Here's a picture from my class trip there! I am in the Pooh sweater. I remember in 5th grade we had to do a project based on whichever book we were reading in English. My grandma had her Hutterite friends make me a Charlotte doll like what Laura had. It was so perfect and lovely and then my sister touched it and smeared stuff all over her face and ripped out the ribbons in her head that tied up her hair. Sad.

7. The Lorax by Dr. Seuss

This is the last Dr. Seuss book that have have real memories of enjoying when I was little. But I feel like I watched a movie of it instead?? I don't remember. But I did like this story!

8. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer

I read a few of these books in elementary school. I don't think I ever read very far into the series (which is totally still like me today to not finish a series..). I think I read at least three of them. I think the third one is the one that I bought from the bookstore after our 5th grade bake sale.

9. The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton

I read this book originally in middle school, I think 7th grade to be exact. This is probably the only book I read in school that I loved so much that I bought my own copy of it. I used to pick this book up to flip through when I would find it while cleaning my room and I would end up laying in bed reading the whole thing. I am confident that I did that more than once. I think that this book might be the book I have reread the most times. I loved the movie too.

10. The Babysitter's Little Sister books by Ann M. Martin

These are some of the only books that I remember checking out from the library in elementary school. I know they weren't the only ones, but I can't remember any of the others. I don't think I ever read any of the Baby Sitter's Club books, I think I only read some of the books about Karen. I feel like I had kind of a love/hate relationship with them, but I kept reading them so I must have liked them!

What are some of your favorite childhood books? Do we have any that are the same?

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