What I've Read Recently // #2

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Hello and welcome to another edition of what I have been reading recently along with a few thoughts on each one. Hopefully after this point I will be kind of caught up on sharing what I have been reading and then maybe I will start writing real reviews again. We shall see how I feel! This is a combination of books I read for the remainder of the OWLs, books I read for round one and now part of round two of Game of Booksathon, as well as a few other random books.


1. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

This was a reread for me to prepare myself to finally read Crooked Kingdom. I read this book for the OWLs in April and if you continue on with this post, you will see that I have NOT yet gotten around to reading Crooked Kingdom because I'm kind of a failure. If you want to see my thoughts on Six of Crows, here is my original review.

2. You'd Be Mine by Erin Hahn

This is another book I read for the OWLs in April. I didn't really like this one as much as I was hoping to. After reading this one and Daisy Jones & The Six, and not liking either of them that much, I just don't think that books with a big focus on music/touring are for me. There wasn't anything in particular that I recall finding wrong with this book, it just didn't really tickle my fancy.

3. The Black Coats by Colleen Oakes

I listened to this one as an audiobook. I didn't really like it that much. I like the whole feminist vigilante justice thing, but there was just something about this one that I just wasn't a huge fan of. I enjoyed the group of friends in this book and I liked the romance. In particular, I didn't really like the training they went through and how it was this group of adults who are beating the snot out of teenagers to prepare them to go out and beat the snot out of random people, even if they are people who may deserve it. I also didn't like the group's reaction to finding out who Thea's boyfriend is. I like Colleen Oakes writing, but this book just wasn't for me.


4. A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin

This is the first book that I read for the Game of Booksathon that I did in June. I am sad that the show ended (and that it was SO rushed!) so I was ready to jump back into Westeros with the book. I don't read a lot of adult books, especially not like... epic/high fantasy or whatever ones like this. So it felt like I was reading this book for forever (I really wasn't), but I really enjoyed it. I'm excited to read the rest of the series and hopefully George will bust out those last two books soon!

5. New Game! vol. 1 by Shotaro Tokuno

This manga series is about a girl just out of high school who gets a job working at the company that made her favorite video game as a character designer. I thought it was really cute and fun and I started watching the anime on Crunchyroll too. I am excited to get the rest of the series to read!

6. Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston

I enjoyed Red, White & Royal Blue. I don't think I liked it as much as everyone else did, but I did like it. Henry and Alex were cute together, but the third person present tense was... not my favorite thing. It felt so weird to read! But overall, it was a cute summer read and I'm glad I read it.


7. The Legend of Zelda Legendary Edition: The Minish Cap and Phantom Hourglass by Akira Himekawa

I love reading these Legend of Zelda mangas! I have never played Minish Cap, but I played Phantom Hourglass. I feel like reading the Phantom Hourglass manga made me realize I don't remember a THING about the game. Also, I love how these mangas give Link a personality that you don't get to see in the game! If you're a fan of the game franchise, you should try out the mangas if you haven't!

8. Crown of Feathers by Nicki Pau Preto

This book wasn't really anything like what I was expecting. It took awhile to get into, even via audiobook, because there was a LOT of info dumping in the beginning. I feel like that's easier for me to get past in an audiobook because I listen to them at work and it doesn't feel so unbearable while you're doing something else, but this info dump was... bad. I did like this book and I'm excited to see where the series goes, but I think I need to physically reread this book before moving on because it was hard to follow the flashbacks and whatever else there was between chapters. Even though it had a gnarly info dump, I think I would recommend it.

9. Monstress vol. 3 by Marjorie M. Liu

I really don't know what I think of this graphic novel series. I don't... actively dislike it, but I don't know if I actually like it either. I feel like I like the story and the art is BEAUTIFUL and there are CATS! But I feel like I struggle to follow along with the story. I struggle with reading it too fast and not paying enough attention to the art so I feel like I rush through it. I haven't felt like I struggled with any mangas I've read. I just feel like maybe this series isn't for me and it makes me sad.


10. Orange the Complete Collection vol. 1 by Ichigo Takano

I ADORED this collection. It follows a girl named Naho who receives a letter from herself ten years in the future that tells her the steps she needs to take to try to stop a new classmate of hers from committing suicide. I loved following Naho and her group of friends and I loved seeing her overcome her shyness to get close to Kakeru to try to change how things are supposed to turn out.

11. Magi vol. 2 by Shinobu Ohtaka

I am mostly reading this series from the beginning because I watched the anime series (SO GOOD) and there are only two seasons and some googling tells me there wasn't enough interest in the show to continue on. So I am reading from the beginning to see how it ends. It follows the show so far pretty well, I am excited to see what comes after the end of the anime. I'm so sad that there's no more of it though! Life is unfair.

12. The Girl From the Well by Rin Chupeco

This book was so interesting! The character that this book follows is dead, she goes after people who kill children. From the description in the beginning when she is tormenting and killing a child murderer, I was picturing her as like... the creepy thing from The Grudge. I have never read a book with such a unique point of view, it was so much fun. Rin Chupeco is A M A Z I N G!


13. Orange the Complete Collection vol. 2 by Ichigo Takano

I flew through the rest of this series so fast. If you are into manga and you haven't read this series yet, I would highly, highly recommend it, it is so cute.

12. Haruiro Astronaut by Ichigo Takano

This one was a bonus story at the end of the second volume of Orange. It followed two identical twins, Mami and Chiki. Mami always has boys confessing their undying love for her, but Chiki never gets that. This book is basically kind of about her trying to get a boyfriend. It was cute and a little bit unexpected and just generally fun!

So, that is what I have been reading for the last few months! I am currently three books ahead on my Goodreads goal (thank you manga collections I can count as individual books on GR, but also WHO am I?!). Next up for me is the first volume of Children of the Whales by Abi Umeda.

I discovered this one while my sister was at my house once. We had just watched the Emoji Movie and we didn't want to go to bed after having just watched something so stupid so I picked this anime because I thought the artwork in the thumbnail on Netflix was SO beautiful and it actually turned out to be so much more wildly violent and bloody than either of us were expecting. I think we just started watching it with our jaws dropped. What a ride. So far (haven't checked in awhile) there was only one season on there, but I thought I read that there was going to be more.

What have you been reading lately? Anything amazing?

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