The Book Life Tag

Sunday, April 10, 2016

While perusing the interwebs for a fun tag to do, I came across this book life tag on Crazy for YA!

Who would your parents be?

I'm gonna go with Arthur and Molly Weasley! They have such a loving family and off the top of my head, they're the only present set of parents that are actually together that I can think of. But either way, they're great parents and I would love to be a part of their family!
Who would be your sister?

I'm going with Daenarys Targaryen! She'd definitely make my family interesting with the Weasleys as parents, but maybe after the Targaryens were all either killed or run out of Westeros the Weasleys adopted me! Ha! But it would be so cool to have her as a sister because she's so awesome and tough and I'd be rooooyalty! Also dragons.

Who would be your brother?

This one is gonna have to be Fred and George Weasley! They would be such a riot to have as brothers!
Who would be your pet?

I'm trying to decide what kind of animal I would want as a pet. I am torn between two!

First, I'm thinking it would be awesome to have Abraxos as my pet. Because first of all, he is a ferocious wyvern with a soft side. I like that he's got a soft, sweet side, but I like that he looks ferocious because I am a marshmallow and I need some ferocity so I can look like a tough guy.

Also, Brax (ahhh, I think that's his name?!), the wolf in The Glass Arrow! He'd also be a tough looking animal, but also be like a cuddly puppy with a big personality and I wanna snuggle with a wolf.

I can't decide between the two so I think that I just want them both to be my pets.

Where would you go to school?

There's really only one correct answer to this question, and that answer is Hogwarts. Is there even any other fictional school that would come anywhere near Hogwarts level awesome? I can't imagine there is.

Who would be your best friend?

Celaena Sardothien! I thought about putting her to be my sister, but then I thought just because we would be sisters, doesnt necessarily mean that she would like me and Celaena is someone that I would definitely want to like me. I think that if she didn't, she would be kind of scary.

But also, she would be an awesome best friend because we could borrow each other's clothes (read: I could borrow her pretty clothes), eat chocolate cake together, and give each other awesome book recommendations and if anyone was mean to me, she could totally kick their butts.

Who would be your significant other?

LOL! Can anyone not guess who I would say for this answer? Liam Stewart is my one true fictional love.


  1. Abraxos would be a pretty fierce pet :D I think I would go with a Phoenix, because they are not only gorgeous, they are also valuable. Healing tears? Yes please!

    1. Ooh! Yes, a phoenix would definitely make a great pet too! I should have thought of Fawkes! Perhaps I'll just have to have a book-pet zoo. Then I can have them all!

  2. I enjoyed reading this tag. I think I would have picked the Weasleys for parents also. :)

    1. This was a really fun tag to do! The Weasleys have such an awesome family, I really want to be part of it now! Haha!


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