Top Ten Tuesday (#41)

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly feature created by The Broke and the Bookish!

This week's topic is Top Ten Bookworm Delights!

1. Unexpected book mail!

I haven't gotten a lot of unexpected book mail yet, but I have gotten two unexpected book related packages! Both of them totally made my day! One of them being my first physical ARC from a publisher! Definitely didn't think that I, of all people, would get a copy of The Star-Touched Queen!

2. Finding a new fictional boyfriend to swoon over.

There aren't many book boys that can climb even remotely close to the top of the pedestal I have put Liam Stewart on, but there have been several that have come close. Alex Balashov (The Forbidden Orchid), anyone?!

3. The texts I get from my sister when she's being ruined by a book I recommended.

I love when she texts me her pain. It gives me life.

4. Finishing a book in one day.

I love when I find a book that I love enough to want to finish in one sitting, but it has been a long time since I found a book that I could finish in one sitting. Mostly because I don't have the time lately to sit down and read a book in one sitting.

5. Seeing the book title mentioned in the book.

This is about as exciting as hearing the movie title mentioned in the movie!

6. When the release date for a highly anticipated book gets moved up!

Alternatively, it sucks when the date gets pushed back. I'm looking at you, Everland.

7. Finding a book you actually want to read at a garage sale/junk sale.

Most of the used book stores/garage sales/junk stores seem to have an enormous abundance of old Danielle Steele books, but recently I found a nice looking hardcover of Off the Page at a peddler's market or something. I was pretty excited!

8. When the store actually gets in books that you actually want to read.

I don't think that I've actually found this at the only store in my town yet, but I like it when I'm on my way home for the weekend and the Target on the way actually has a new book I want to read. That isn't ridiculously expensive like most of them are!

9. When a book makes you ugly cry.

I love it when books make me bawl like a baby.

10. When I see South Dakota mentioned in a book.

I get pumped anytime I see South Dakota mentioned anywhere because it doesn't get enough love (it probably doesn't deserve it, but I live here and I like to see it mentioned). But I really like seeing it mentioned in a book. I can think of two examples. In The Darkest Minds series there's a camp in South Dakota and I was pumped to see that. Also, the main character of Sleeping Giants grew up in South Dakota, I think. But I didn't like that book.

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